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We believe that Target’s Std. VI Marathi Grammar and Writing Skills (English Medium) is the book you need to clear you exams with flying colours. Grammar is key to get a stronger grip on any language. With this book, you will not only perfect grammar concepts, but also writing skills. Extensive practice exercises are provided as per the latest government prescribed textbook. The book is designed in a way to make it easy for you to self-study with the help of detailed explanations of grammar and writing skills topics. You can also self-evaluate your answers to the exercises with the help of the Answer Key. Ample practice questions are provided to the students along with spaces to write the answers. Samples are given for essays, letters, stories, comprehension passages and more writing skills. The objective behind this book is to give students enough practice to score good grades and hone their language skills. We sincerely hope that this book helps you score full marks in your exams.