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Blossom Phonics & Elementary English

English Alphabet Phonics Books for Kids and Babies | 2 to 5 Year Old | Picture Book with Introduction to various Alphabet Sounds

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Learn to Read and Write Two and Three Letter Words with Activities | Set of 2 Books

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Alphabets form the very basis of a language which later takes the shape of a word. However, each alphabet has a separate sound attached to it. With our English Phonics Books for Kids we have grasped this very need and compiled the books in a comprehensive manner filled with illustrations and fun activities. We aim to offer a comprehensive Phonics book for beginners wherein the kids can learn and relate to the sounds of alphabets thereby strengthening the basics of their linguistic learning.

This English Phonics Books for Kids combo comprise of the following books:

Blossom Phonics is a phonic sounds book for kindergarden kids that introduces them to the very basics of a language viz. Phonics for alphabets through the medium of sounds. The book begins with 3 carefully chosen examples presented in a beautiful set of images representing an alphabet and ends with fun activities for children to test their grip on phonics. Every alphabet is related to its corresponding sound in Hindi to ensure that the kids are able to grasp the essence of the same.

Nurture Elementary English is designed with the intention to introduce kids to the world of words. The book begins with introduction to Alphabets consisting of Two Letter and Three Letter words, followed by ideas of vowels and consonants with the final chapter dealing with Articles and their application. This book serves as a phonics book for kids consisting of examples of sentences to make the students acquainted with the fabric of languages.

We're sure that this combo will open up new vistas in the understanding of children and enable them to enjoy the learning process.