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Alphabet Writing | Story Book for Kids | Number Book Writing Practice
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Looking to provide a complete English learning experience to the little ones?
Look no further!
Target Publications presents a combo of 3 books from the highly popular Blossom series comprising Alphabet Writing Capital Letters A, Story Book A and Number Book 1 to 100.
This is a perfect trio of books for teaching alphabet writing, number writing and moral story book for kids.
Both Blossom Alphabet Writing Capital Letters A and Blossom Number Book 1 to 100 include multiple writing boxes for through practice. These writing books for kids also include directions to write each letter and number.
Blossom Story Book A has 31 Moral Stories which kids can relate to, written in lucid language.
All the 3 nursery books for kids learning are replete with colourful and vivid illustrations to keep the children engaged.
So, get this set of amazing books to enhance English vocabulary and numerical knowledge of your kids!