Is Grammar impeding your score in languages? A low score in languages affects your aggregate examination performance. However, scoring full marks in Std 10 Hindi Grammar has always been a seemingly monumental task for students.

Students generally take to Hindi grammar only after completing the textual syllabus. This eventually leads to insufficient practice and hampers the final score. A systematic study plan and refined study material might just do the trick!

Knowing the basics of Hindi grammar is the primary requirement to answer board questions. However, all it needs is consistent practice. A student can excel in grammar when he/she practises it religiously once or twice a week. As the board majorly focuses on the textual questions, I would recommend solving ample textual activities. You can solve these activities after the completion of every chapter. Usually, when we talk about Std 10 Hindi Grammar, a major roadblock that stands before us is - संधि. Students generally skip such topics and ignoring such topics encumbers the overall score. Identify your weakness and steal some time to master it. While practising such problematic questions, it is better to understand its basics or the defined rules at the initial stage and then gradually proceed to solve its examples. You can also try to combine a few topics from the chapters you have studied so that you form a tight grip.

The 14 Marks Grammar section asked in the Board Examination is organised in a systematic format i.e. the order of the questions in the Board Examination is intact. This means you will be more efficient in your grammar presentation if you solve the grammar questions in the exact format as prescribed by the board. This will help you to analyse the time you can spend on each question and eventually complete the entire paper in the stipulated time. The more questions you practice the more you move towards perfection. And if you are at lack of exercise, why don't you try Target Publications' Std 10 Hindi Grammar Worksheets? There are ample textual activities in this book. If you find overloading your bag with extra books a hindrance, these worksheets are available for you, in a pull-out format. This book contains a whopping 40 pull-out worksheets and is easily available to purchase on our website, Amazon and Flipkart as well as at your nearest bookstore.

A sincere suggestion: If you dedicatedly devote time to Hindi grammar practice, you will score way better than it is generally perceived. I hope my two cents would aid you to prepare well for Grammar. I'd love to hear from you about your views or suggestions on this topic. It is always exciting to get a fresh point of view. You can catch me up at [email protected]