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Tired of searching 10th Maths NCERT book?
Looking for a perfect book to help you reach your potential for the upcoming Class 10 Maths exam?
Target's Class 10 Maths NCERT is an ideal book for students appearing for CBSE exams.
This CBSE 10th Maths book aims to provide comprehensive and thorough preparation material for students to excel in the exam.
Salient Features of the book : Subtopic wise segregation of questions, Complete coverage of NCERT Maths class 10 exemplar
& exercise questions, Smart check to cross-verify the accuracy of the answer, Quick review for fast revision before exams, Connections enables students to interlink concepts covered in different chapters, Caution apprises students about mistakes which are made while solving questions.
Ace your 10th exams with Target's X Maths (NCERT) book. Order your copy now!