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Graph Book | A4 Size 56 Pages | Soft Cover | Numbered Pages and Ruled Margin

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Graph Paper with 1 cm Squares | Maths Graph Sheets for School and College

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Graph Book | A4 Size 56 Pages | Soft Cover | Numbered Pages and Ruled Margin | Graph Paper with 1 cm Squares | Maths Graph Sheets for School and College

Teaching charts & graphs to students can be a lot of fun!
These books are clever and entertaining, and teach important math at the same time.
Target's Graph Notebooks can help students to arrange large sums of data into visual form for easy understanding.
Our Graph book is India's 1st Graph book with numbered pages. It has ruled line with 1 cm marking as per standards.
Target's graph books include Logarithm and Antilogarithm table.
Act before it's too late and order your Graph book now!