Std 7 Perfect Notes History and Geography Books | English Medium | Maharashtra State Board
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Std 7 English Medium History & Geography Perfect Notes | Based on Latest Maharashtra Board Syllabus | Includes Concise Theory, Solved Textbook Questions, Variety of Practice Questions, Chapter Assessments with Answers
Target’s Std. 7 Perfect History, Civics & Geography Notes (English Medium) are tailored to the latest Maharashtra Board syllabus, following the CCE pattern.
The Book Features:
The History and Civics notes begin with a Glossary of Important terms and a Sequence of events to build a better understanding of historical events.
The Geography Notes renders a topic-wise concise Summary to give students a snapshot of the chapter.
Summative Assessment in every chapter entails question-answers based upon the textbook chapters and ensure that no point in the chapter is left uncovered.
Formative Assessment comprises of activity-based questions to help students widen their concept base.
Chapter-wise Assessment Test at the end of every chapter facilitates self-assessment among students.