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Std 10th English Grammar & Vocabulary, Writing Skills Book

Std 10 English Grammar and Writing Skills Book for English Medium | Based on Board Paper Pattern

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English Writing Skills, Grammar & Vocabulary Book | Improve your Grammar and Writing Skills | Maharashtra State Board

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Are grammar & writing skills is your biggest pain points? One of the biggest challenges for a student in Std. 10th is scoring well in languages. Students manage to score really well in other subjects but it is languages that really pull the percentages down. Scoring full marks in languages may be difficult but you can surely put all efforts to not lose marks. We spoke to hundreds of students over the years and realized it was grammar & writing skills that was really a big challenge for them. Ironically, both grammar & writing skills make up for a majority share in the total marks in the exam. So, if you ace these topics, you are sure to score well in the subject. To ease this challenge of the students and help them to score well in grammar & writing skills we have published this combo for students of 10th Std. English Medium. In the combo of "Gramar & Vocabulary" and "Writing Skills" you will find: All topics of grammar, vocabulary and writing skills as per the latest syllabus. Explanation of each topic in simple language with solved examples. Practice exercises with sufficient space to write the answers. Answer key to the practice exercises to verify the answer. This combo covers multiple topics of: "Letter Writing ","Report Writing" ,"Speech Writing" ,"Language Study", "Vocabulary" & etc. This book will act as the perfect tool to ace the multiple topics of grammar & writing skills in your exams and help you score to the fullest potential. So, what are you waiting for? Add this combo to your cart TODAY!