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7 to 9 Year Old Children | Includes Activities with Colourful Pictures | Set of 5 Books
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Students, who come under the age group of six to seven years, generally have a strong base of language and general knowledge which is inculcated over the past couple of years. This combo of five books has been specially curated to not only broaden the sphere of their knowledge of Class 3 students, but also to pave a way for their further learning.
- ‘Blossom Computers Book III’ is the third book in our series of eight volumes. This book begins with the classification of computers and goes on to explain the structure and working of a CPU Tower, in a lucid manner.
- ‘Blossom Hindi Gyanvatika 3’ comprises of chapters and poems which would pique the interest of students and would help them sharpen their language and communication skills in Hindi. It also comprises of certain grammatical concepts which are explained with illustrations to facilitate proper understanding among students.
- ‘Blossom Vocab Builder C’ and ‘Nurture Grammar Book 3’ work together to lay down a firm foundation of the English language. With exercises that are spread over multiple categories and engaging illustrations, these two books would give students an edge over others in terms of their verbal and communication skills.
- ‘Blossom Animal Kingdom’ is a book that encompasses the variety, beauty and attributes of a plethora of animals and birds found within the Animal Kingdom. It is infused with rich information about animals that would pique their interest and effectively cater to the curiosity of children.
We hope that this combo of books would work excellently towards building a strong foundation base for Class 3 students. The five books that make up this combo are sure to strengthen the knowledge base of students and help prepare them for the upcoming school years.