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NEET-UG & JEE-Main Chemistry Essential Vol 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 & 2.2 Book 2024-2025 | Based on Latest Syllabus Prescribed by NMC & NTA

NEET-UG & JEE-Main Chemistry Essential Vol 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 & 2.2 Book 2024-2025 | Based on Latest Syllabus Prescribed by NMC & NTA

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NEET-UG & JEE-Main Chemistry Essential Vol 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 & 2.2 Books 2024-2025 | Based on Latest Syllabus | Includes Subtopic-wise MCQs, Must-Practice Questions, Tagged PYQs, Answer Keys & Detailed Solutions

NEET(UG) and JEE (Mains) Essential Chemistry is part of the NEET UG and JEE Mains Essential Notes Series. It is made specifically to give the essential revision and practice students need to prepare for both NEET (UG) and JEE (Mains) exams. Based on the latest NMC and NTA prescribed syllabus, volumes 1.1 and 1.2 cover the portion from Class 11 Chemistry while volumes 2.1 and 2.2 cover all the topics from Class 12 Chemistry.

The Book Features:

  • Quick Review: This section contains easy-to-grasp flowcharts and diagrams for thorough revision.
  • List of Formulae: This section covers all the formulae before each chapter for quick referencing.
  • Classwork and Homework segregation: Clear sections for classwork and homework give a balanced learning approach.
  • Chapter-wise and sub-topic-wise segregation: MCQs are further divided according to subtopics.
  • Numerical value-type questions: Covers numerical value-type questions for effective problem-solving.
  • Previous Years’ Questions from a wide range of entrance exams: Includes previous years’ questions from AIPMT, WBJEE, MHT-CET, K-CET, ASSAM-CEE, EAMCET, TS-EAMCET, KEAM, BCECE, NCERT EXEMPLER, AIPMTAP, EAMCET.
  • Must practice questions: Must practice questions that have a higher chance of appearing in the exams are star-marked.
  • Separate section for previous year JEE (Mains) questions: Previous years’ JEE(Mains) and NEET(UG) questions have a separate section.
  • Smart Keys: Think out of the box, Caution and Strategy are provided in the detailed solutions to help students device a better approach to the questions.
  • Answer Key: The back of each volume contains chapter-wise answers for self-evaluation.
  • Detailed Solutions: In-depth solutions are provided at the beginning of the book through a QR code.