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Std 11th happens to be the base for HSC Board exams. Std 11th Hindi Yuvakbharati Notes Book (Maharashtra Board) by Target Publications is curated to facilitate students with extensive conceptual understanding and offer a fresh approach to learning so as to prepare them for Std 12th. The objective of this book is to assist students to gain theoretical clarity of the topics and thereby instil in them the zeal to prepare effectively for the Std. 11 Examination.
1. This book is based on the new textbook of the Std 11 syllabus which extensively covers answers to all textual questions.
2. Answers to all textual questions are provided at the end of the book
3. Summaries and Paraphrases of the chapters and poems in the textbook
4. Separate section is provided for covering grammar.
5. Answers to sections of ‘Vyaavahaarik Hindi’ and ‘Vishesh Gyan’ are also included
6. Glossary at the beginning of every chapter and poem with meaning in both Hindi and English to help students understand uncommon and difficult words.
7. Appendix section is included at the end of the book to offer an elaborate interpretation of the works.