The very word "EXAM" is enough to trigger Exam Phobia in a student's mind. The levels of stress hitting sky limits and the fear of excelling in the exam can lead students in forgetting what they have studied on D-Day. With the exam season lingering around, coping with it in this highly competitive world is very essential.

No matter whether you are an HSC aspirant or aiming for cracking the toughest entrance exams like NEET, MHT CET and JEE Main, beating the exam phobia is an important criterion to consider if you want to beat the heat of stress.

This article is particularly drafted keeping in mind the pressures that a student goes through at the time of the exam and the ways to cope with the same. Here's presenting you with some handy tricks and tips to dissipate your stress and sail smoothly through the exam season. Check out below:

All study and no play will make one lazy, tired and stressed

Haven't we all well aware of the saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a lazy boy". Twisting this saying a bit, we have added it from the perspective of students who are appearing for their exams. Even during the most intense exams, it is necessary to take constant breaks in between to rejuvenate oneself. As per research, one can take up information only for a span of 45 minutes at a stretch. And hence studying continuously will only lead all that you have studied down the drain.

Break your schedule well

This may seem quite unusual to the advice one hears often. Take a 20-minute break during your revision day and apart from studying indulge in other activities too. Go out to meet friends, listen to music or play some sport which can better your mood. And a good mood will always enrich one's mind with ideas aiding one to learn better. Spending little time away from your HSC books or your entrance exam preparation material will not sadden it making you forget things when you sit for reading later. So take a break in between and give your book a break too to beat the exam phobia!

Exercise - To beat the heat of exams

A healthy mind is more receptive to information than to a tired one. Exercise is a sound way of lifting the mood in addition to beating depression rising out of stress. Especially entrance examinations like NEET, JEE Main and MHT CET wherein students are required to cover a vast topic or exercise, it becomes a must. With the weather being bright and hunky dory use it to your advantage to go for a walk, head to the gym or just go for a swim. Any type of physical exercise help in retaining what you have studied and also beats the exam fever by building concentration for productive revision.

Do not get driven by haywire talks

"Comparison is the thief of Joy". No matter whether you are a student or an adult, it is impossible to escape the comparison. However, in the case of students who are appearing for competitive exams or board examinations may find themselves get demoralized because of this. The best option to eliminate this is turning a deaf hear to anything that puts you off from your goal demoralizes you and makes you feel sorry for oneself.

Chances are you are doing good, and listening to people will just push you down the ladder thereby hindering your progress. So just listen to your inner tutor that's intuition and rub off all negativity to beat the stress. People may also suggest a myriad of references and ways to ace the exams. Just choose the right study material and build your stairway to success!

No matter which exam you are appearing for, we have a collection of books for you. Visit our website and browse through the various SSC Books for English Medium and Marathi Medium, HSC Books for Science Stream and Commerce Stream. MHT CET Online Test Series, JEE Study Material, NEET Online Test Series and much more.

Stressed Out? Why not Speak Out?

Stress is a slow killer which feeds on mental peace. When neglected for a long, it can start affecting your day-to-day lifestyle thereby affecting your grades if you are a student. And this stress can prove quite futile for your future that depends on the scores you achieve in your boards or entrance.

Speaking to someone whom you can resort to is an impeccable way of reducing pressure. It can be anyone from a close friend, sibling, parent or even your teacher. If your school or college does offer such a service then it can help reduce exam phobia as well as stress to a great extent. And once you speak out what is in your mind, you will be amazed at how refreshed it will feel.

A quick trip through a few other tricks to beat the exam fever:

  • Eat Chocolates - They are known to boost mood and soothe your soul.
  • Take a shower with warm water to relieve stress.
  • Do something which you like. It can be anything from dancing putting on the music to baking, or just eating your favourite cuisine.
  • Sleep is indeed the need of the hour. Never underestimate the power of a nap and A good night's sleep during the exam.
  • Stay away from people who spill venom and negativity. Especially the ones who are trying to remember equations and formulae until the last minute.
  • Manage your time well.
  • Avoid post-mortem of exam paper post the examination.
  • Be confident.

Beat the heat of exam phobia by acing your preparation with our latest collection of HSC Maharashtra Board Books, SSC Maharashtra Board Books and entrance examinations like NEET, JEE Main and MHT CET. Want to test your preparation? Try out our online test series, NEET Online Mock Test, and MHT-CET Study Material to eliminate your exam fever away.