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Monthly Archives: February 2020

  1. How can solving previous years papers prove useful for NEET UG 2020?

    When it comes to entrance exams, every study tool will prove useful without a single effort seeming vain. The entrance exam held for Medicine and Dental courses has gone through a myriad of changes over the years. The present-day NEET was previously known as AIPMT i.e. All India Pre-Medical/ Dental Test. Gradually over the years, AIPMT turned into NEET i.e. National Eligibility cum Entrance Test which is a national-level examination.

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  2. Quick Tips for Writing Perfect Answer Sheet | SSC Board Exam 2020

    No matter how much time you devote preparing for your SSC board exam, if you are unable to put across your knowledge on the answer sheet, then all the hard work goes in vain. As per studies, it is observed that students often tend to get anxious ad stressed while attempting to an exam in the examination hall. Moreover, the pressure turns so intense that they often end up forgetting what they have learned during the

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  3. Best Revision Tips to Tackle Physics for NEET UG Exam 2020

    Best Revision Tips

    NEET UG examination dates were released a month ago. It's time to set alarms and perk up for the exam, bracing oneself to grab the opportunity to hit your goals for NEET 2020.

    The 3 hours long exam opportune aspirants to get admission into MBBS and BDS courses in top medical and dental colleges across India. 

    For those about to appear for HSC boards and simultaneously appear for NEET UG 2020, it's time to perk up and brace yourself.

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  4. Recipe for JEE Main | Exam Tips to crack JEE Main

    JEE Main Exam Tips to Crack JEE Main

    Trust me there is not rocket science to crack any examination, no matter how tough it is. Putting in your 100% with perseverance and determination is the ideal way of ensuring you get ahead of your competition. Also, we won't deny the fact that JEE is a crucial examination especially if you are aiming for institutes like IITs, NITs.

    And no matter what the world says, anything is possible, if you are a stubborn soul, bent upon achieving your dream. Then even the world can't stop you from getting what you want. So the first thing you need to

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  5. Classic Tips to Instill reading habit in your kids | Part I

    "A Child who Reads grows into an Adult who Thinks!" - Unknown

    Reading is an important criterion when it comes to a child's overall development. It is one of those skills that not only proves useful in fetching good scores during school but also in the latter part of life. It is a necessary element that must be nurtured early right from childhood.

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  6. MHT CET 2020 Exam Preparation | General Tips to Crack the Exam Smoothly

    MHT-CET 2020 is a state-level entrance exam conducted by the State Common Entrance Test Cell. This year, the exam will take place from April 13 to 17 and April 20 to 23 for PCM and PCB groups separately. The exam is conducted for candidates seeking admission to undergraduate engineering and pharmacy programs. Aspirants must fill out the MHT-CET 2020 application form from January 07 until

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  7. Beat your exam stress trying these top tricks | Board Exams

    If you are a student, you won't be oblivion to the feel of knots in your stomach. A feel that reminds you, exams are around the corner and you need to pull up your socks to kickstart with revision. Exam stress is a common phenomenon faced by every student before the commencement of the exam. However, while many would believe that stress can be good for you, science has a different point of view.

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  8. Tips to Manage Stress During SSC Board Exams

    The word 'Exam' is enough to raise alarm in the minds of students. To begin with, exams can turn out to be quite a fun period if you look at them through the lens of positivity. However, if you perceive it as the majority, then it might surely seem to be the most stressful thing. Of course, we don't deny that exams can be a tedious quest.

    So, are you feeling chills going down your spine?
    Do you feel your heartbeat rising in pace?
    And does the thought of the future keep you awake?

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  9. Common Mistakes Committed by Std 10th SSC Board Students

    The Std. 10th final examination, better known as the SSC Board Exam is considered to be one of the most important exams in a student's life. As a student who is starting his/her academic year, you will encounter many people who will give you a mountain of advice, to help you secure marks in the SSC board exam. These people generally include your school teacher, tuition teacher, your parents, relatives, friends, and neighbours. The list is quite endless if you go to see it.


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  10. Tips to Track your Exam Progress | SSC Board Exams 2020

    Talent and Success can hardly be judged. Rather it can only be measured based on how far one has reached in the process. Success is the result of efforts put in for achieving a particular quest backed by determination and zest. Remember, the possibility of success or failure depends solely on you. It is determined by the efforts you put in, the ideologies you apply and the strategic measures you take to make it possible.

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