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Age 4 - 8 Years | Magink - Importance of Life Lessons | Pack of 5 Books
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Does your child have an insatiable craving for tales, of the known and the unknown? If yes, these story books by Magink will be a breath of fresh air!
The Ice Cream Master, Do Not Mess with The Circle of Life, Everyone Has One, Its Worth A Try, Great as a Button- Combo of 5 story books.
These storybooks from Germany's leading children's book publisher, Magink are now brought to India by Target Publications.
The books are highly inspiring and serve as the perfect bedtime story books for kids aged 2 yrs+.
Salient features of the books : Set of 5 picture story books | Large & vivid illustrations |Attractive & durable hard cover | Fascinating & Absorbing Storyline | Simple language
A perfect gift for early readers.
These books can be a fantastic addition to your little ones' bed time story collection.
Add these combo of 5 books to your cart today!