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Fun Learning Activity Book for Kids | Coloring Books for Pre-Primary and Primary
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Colouring in is an excellent way for children to express themselves, develop their motor skills, relax and enjoy quality time with other family members. Keeping this in mind, Target Publications has launched “ABCD Colouring book for kids”. This ABC Alphabet Colouring book is designed to help your children explore their own imagination. Salient Features of Alphabet Colouring Book are : More than 100 large pictures for easy colouring, Introduces kids to multiple objects beginning with each letter, Introduces kids to basic colours used in colouring, Created specially to help kids in letter recognition, Colour references provided , Fun activities in the book to add an extra dose of enjoyment for kids.
Vegetables are things that kids are most fussy about. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way by which we could generate kids’ interest in veggies? Well, we at Target Publication have found a way through our latest offering - ‘Vegetable Colouring Book’. The book is not a run-of-the-mill colouring book where kids have to just colour veggies using crayons. This book is really unique. This book lets kids use actual vegetables along with colours to colour multiple objects given in the book. E.g.: Colouring honeybees using onions & colours. Can you imagine that? Well, that is why we said that the book is really unique. There are 22 such amazing colouring activities in the book where kids get to use multiple vegetables and colour objects. To guide kids, we have also provided guidance videos which can be accessed via QR code given one the first page of the book.